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The Girls Education Challenge Transition Project (GEC –T

Project’s Goal: Expanding Inclusive Education Strategies in the Lake Region.
The Girls Education Challenge Transition Project (GEC –T) is a 5-year (2017 – 2022) project funded by UKAID and is implemented by a consortium of organizations (Leonard Cheshire, Cheshire Disability Services Kenya, Ability Africa Foundation and Social Impact Institute) with interventions at the primary, secondary and vocational level focusing on girls living with disabilities.
The project goal is to improve the life chances of girls living with disabilities through enabling learning, transition and sustainability of interventions. In this project, Cheshire Disability Services Kenya (CDSK) in partnership with Leonard Cheshire is implementing the secondary school level interventions focusing on teacher development, adapting the learning environment, provision of school fees subsidies / scholastic kits and capacity building of girls living with disabilities in 25 beneficiary secondary schools in the Lake Region namely: Kisumu East, Siaya, Mbita, Migori and Kuria East Sub-Counties.
The project has so far reached 667 learners (600 boys 67 Girls), 304 teachers directly trained on inclusive Education approaches, 172 were reached by the teacher mentorship program, and 75 Board of management members were trained on resource mobilization, Governance, and Inclusive Education practices by Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI).154 Learners have transitioned to other higher learning institutions.

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