Welcome to Cheshire Disability Services Kenya   Click to listen highlighted text! Welcome to Cheshire Disability Services Kenya

Partnerships and Alliances

Cecilia and Partner

Strategic partnerships and alliances help to increase our impact and reach more persons with disabilities.

1.Cheshire Disability Services Kenya Partner Organizations

Cheshire Disability Services Kenya works together with 41grassroot partner organizations drawn from 38 counties in Kenya bringing onboard a wealth of experience in disability programming. Together, these partners coordinate their work to ensure each project adheres to consistent principles and standards while bringing their unique abilities to address the issues that will help children and youngsters with disabilities reach their full potential.

Our partner organizations include; the Association of Physically Disabled of Kenya( APDK), AIC Cure Hospital, Assumption Sisters of Nairobi, Cerebral Palsy Society of Kenya, KAWE, Little Daughters of St Joseph, Mukuru promotion Centre, St Benedicts Catholic Parish, Franciscan Missionaries of St Joseph, Missionary Sisters of the Catechism, Mumias EARC, Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Catholic Diocese of Homabay, Catholic Diocese of Kitale, Daughters of Charity, Franciscan Sisters of St Anna, Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph, InterChristian Fellowship Mission( ICFeM), PEFA Matumaini Rehabilitation Centre, Nangina special school, Sisters of Mary Kakamega, St Francis Oriang’ Development, Little sisters of St Francis WSR, Afya Research Africa, AIC Child Care Kajiado, Catholic Diocese of Kitui, Sisters of Our lady of the Mision, Auschidys Trust, Wote Community Development, Franciscan Clarist Congregation, Mbiuni, Catholic Diocese of Garissa, Catholic Diocese of Muranga, Franciscan Elizabethan sisters, Kiriko Special School, Maria Magdalena Special School, Meru North Disability Centre, Society of Nirmala sisters, L’Arche Kenya, Wandumbi special school, Catholic Diocese of Isiolo, Arveiter Samariter Bund Ov Nauen .

2.Action for Children with Disabilities (ACD) Network.

CDSK is part of over 20 organizations in the Action for Children with Disabilities Network.

ACD is a diverse coalition of civil society organizations and government institutions working together to build an inclusive society where children and youth with disabilities have equal access to education, health, and protection of their wellbeing in society.

3.Elimu Yetu Coalition (EYC)

CDSK works closely with Elimu Yetu Coalition to champion for the Inclusive Education agenda within the EYC. EYC focuses on mobilising and harnessing the collective efforts of all education stakeholders and local communities in Kenya and providing leadership in the on-going efforts to make Education for All a reality in Kenya.

4.The Kenya Business and Disability Network

CDSK recently joined the Kenya Business and Disability Network. KBDN is a unique employer-led initiative, hosted by the Federation of Kenya Employers and supported by the International Labour Organization, that works to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in workplaces countrywide.

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