Welcome to Cheshire Disability Services Kenya   Click to listen highlighted text! Welcome to Cheshire Disability Services Kenya

About us

CDSK has been in operation in Kenya since 1993 is this correct ? with a focus on improving life prospects of persons with disabilities .
CDSK works directly benefits over How many children, youngsters and adults with disabilities through its established network of 41 partner organizations based in 37 counties in Kenya.

Through a strong network of dedicated and passionate partners, supporters, alliances, organizations of persons with disabilities, Government line ministries including Ministry of Education, Health and Social Protection as well as through the generous support of our donors, in the past, presently and beyond, CDSK continues to champion for a disability-inclusive inclusive society where persons with disabilities are respected and empowered to develop to their full potential to lead a quality and dignified life.

1. Our mission, vision and Core Values

a) Vision
An inclusive society where persons with disabilities are resilient and lead quality life.

b) Mission
To empower persons with disabilities and caregivers through capacity building, advocacy, linking and grants support

c) Core Values

i. Solidarity: We respect, empathize, listen to, stand with, and passionately support our constituents in their quest to attain full potential, worth, dignity and social justice.

ii. Inclusion: We believe persons with disability deserve equal access to human rights &opportunities, including participation to their full potential in relevant socio-economic processes.

iii. Integrity: We uphold ourselves to the highest levels of truthfulness, openness and uprightness, and commit to doing the right things ‘even when no one is watching’.

iv. Creativity: We are committed to innovation and learning as a basis for continuous improvement of self and others.

v. Team work and partnerships: We leverage (each) others’ competencies to attain greater efficiency and scaled impact.

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